Class of 2020
Vincent S. Chiaramonte
Visual Arts - Portraitist, Master Pastellist
Master Pastellist artist, as conferred by the Pastel Society of America (PSA)
Commissioned paintings have included members of the U.S. Congress
Prior to studying art, studied mortuary science, graduated, and worked as an embalmer for three years
Vincent Chiaramonte was born in Rockford, Illinois and today he currently resides in Campton Hills, Illinois. Vincent first attended Worsham College of Mortuary Science Skokie, IL and later attended the American Academy of Art in Chicago where he learned his craft of portrait painting. Vincent has dedicated his artistic career to the portrait and artistry involved in capturing the depth of life and emotion of his subjects.
He is gifted in oil, pastel and charcoal. Vincent has been commissioned by private individuals and by organizations from the world of business, academia, sports, clergy and politics. Vincent has been commissioned t paint two official Congressional Portraits. Both of these portraits hang in the United States Capital today.
Originally, Vincent graduated from mortuary school and worked as an embalmer. Knowing he had to pursue his passion for art he went on to receive his formal training at the American Academy of Art in Chicago. Since then he has enjoyed a successful career as a portrait artist.
Vincent has earned signature memberships in prestigious pastel and portrait societies, including The Pastel Society of America and the Chicago Pastel Painters. In addition, his work has been featured in highly respective publications such as the International Pastel and International Artist magazines, as well as being featured in The Best of Pastel Book 2, a hardcover book commemorating the Pastel Society of Americans 25th anniversary.
The American Artist magazine featured his technique in the “The Head Study”. The October 2018 issue of The Pastel Journal showcases Vincent’s artwork and his career. Vincent’s painting “Paul” was chosen by the publication for “Pastel 100”- an annual competition showcasing the top 100 paintings of the year. For the last four years, Vincent’s work has been chosen from the Pastel Society of America’s exhibition, “Enduring Brilliance”,to hang at The Flora B. Giffuni Gallery of American Pastels located at the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio. The Butler Institute is the first Museum of American Art. Vincent’s recent awards include The Pastel Award of Excellence, The Henri Roche’ Selection Award and acceptance into the International Association of Pastel Societies exhibition.