24+ Years of Recognition
Inductions of selected honorees are celebrated in the spring of even-numbered years.
Click below for detailed profiles of our honorees from the Inaugural Class of 2002 through the Class of 2018.
Sterling "Stu" Ainsworth

Jan Morris Bach

Guy J. Bellaver

J. Allison "Al" Binford Jr.

Lisa Spalinger Boehm

Daniel Brewbaker

Martin Brody

Bobbie Brown

Floyd Brown

Huntley Brown

Philip Burnham

Frank Catalano

Gower Champion

Edward C. Cook

John Cordogan

Wallace E. Cunningham

John Drury

Annbritt duChateau

D. Lee DuSell

George Grant Elmslie

Jim Gibson

Eric Halfvarson
Robert Hanson

William S. Hart

Marguerite Henry

Joseph Hernandez

Dr. Margaret Hillis

Carolyn Hove

Stan Jorstad

Ray Kobald

William LeBaron

Richard Earl "Dick" Locher

Elizabeth Anne McKnight

Sandro Miller

Wendell Minor

William Moulis

LaVerne Newsome

Bruce and Claire Newton

Robert "Bob" Olah

Elvina Truman Pearce

Delbert Peterson

Jane Peterson

Maud Powell

John Qualen

Bill Robinson

Trygve Rovelstad

Herbert and Martha Schingoethe

George Shipperley

Roy J Solfisburg III

Randal Allan Swiggum

Ruth Van Sickle Ford

Dominic Walsh

Susan K. Weiler

Ingrid Wendt

Mary Hackney Wicker